A New Beginning

Touchdown Barcelona, I was on to the next chapter in my life with Vc Toucy. I was here for a week’s training camp before heading back to France and beginning my race season.

You can just imagine how nervous I was a paddy moving here to France with one word of French “Bonjour”. I was greeted in Barcelona by a fellow rider Sylvain a real cool guy after realising I spoke far too fast for him to understand we were able to have a relaxing coffee to get to know each other a bit better while we waited on the team. Little did Sylvain know he became my translator for the week. The manager arrived and it was time to get to base.

The sight that awaited me arriving at the house – just beautiful


A fresh new pair of wheels and a bundle of kit I was a happy chappy. I introduced myself to the team in an awkward fashion, “Well lads how’s it going, I’m Mark”.  A few strange looks indeed, but it wasn’t looking before realising that I was at home. There was no language barrier the lads were all very genuine all very interested to meet me as I was with them and I settled in very smoothly.

It wasn’t all about the team building of just trying to get to know the boys personally but also to get some quality training in the legs for the beginning of the 2016 season. The norm was 2 hours in the morning 2-3 hours in the evening an easy day and 2 endurance days. With a few exercises along the way to get to know were each rider was condition wise.

I really enjoyed my week here settling in with Team Toucy it was a very good camp for me personally as I was happy that I had joined a nice team with a great set up for 2016. I also was able to brush up on my French with all the riders teaching me words along the way which I am very grateful. Even got to know the riders that well that by day 4 we were gambling as to whoever the winner was up the climb the other would have to buy you a Burger King. Let’s just say when it comes to the Irish betting on food we don’t lose ever! It’s in our nature haha.

The trip concluded with a nice day spent getting team pictures and also getting to see a part of Girona, it is my first time here and it really is a lovely part of the world. If you ever get the opportunity I wouldn’t refuse especially if you are cyclist. Just like to Thank all the riders and staff for this trip making me settle in really quickly and also for the French words along the way! Ca Passe!!!!

It was time to go to my new home, nowhere in the world is like home so I’ll call it my 2nd ehhh home yea well call it that. Toucy is where I will be based for this season it’s like a small village very quiet and relaxed which is what I like. I was introduced to Bruno Henriques and his girlfriend Sophie. Bruno is a fellow rider on the team who lives beside my 2nd home and has spent a great deal of time showing me around training wise and also Sophie giving me French lessons which again has made me feel very happy and at home here in Toucy. I settled in for 1 day before it was back onto the adrenaline train my first race of the 2016 Season Onjon.

Onjon: I had been told previously that there was 160 riders down for this race, I wasn’t fazed as I had a good weeks work and was going out to have fun in my first race of the season. This race was like a classic from the gun in the gutter and a completely new style of racing crosswinds I learnt quickly that I probably should have put cyclocross tyres on instead as I spent a lot of time riding on the grass/ hedge. The bigger teams were trying to control things and me in my first race well I was just trying to be with the front at all times, I had missed the split in the crosswinds and looked up the road there was a 30 rider group starting to get their act together. I looked at the front of the bunch and many riders were making brave attempts to go solo to the break suicide is what it was. But its what I had to do to get back to the front a team mate (Maxence) came to me straight away and was like lets go Mark I tucked in on his wheel he gave me a 200M lead out and a Madison sling to get me across and Thank god I just made it in a block head wind. I looked back and seen the peleton in tatters, I was just happy I was on the other side. From here to the finish it was a matter of doing my turn and keeping my powder dry I had wasted a lot of energy going solo to the break and knew it wasn’t a day for me. On the final lap a small group clipped away and with 3 riders from Toucy still in the front I committed to doing my deed for the team to fall short by 5 secs of the leaders. I still managed to collect a 15th place in  my first outing in my new colours I was very satisfied with this result. But I wanted more and I would get in the following week in my first Elite National. Few shots of my first race the one on the right is me going solo to the break and believe me this isn’t my poker face!


Elite National Canton: We arrived and it felt like I was driving in to a pro race all the teams show boating their bikes outside the team Vans/ trucks, it was nice to see that I was with the big boys today all 1st Cat teams with some Cat 2 200 riders. I was in for a good day in the saddle, en route to the race the snow was pattering of the window so I came to the decision that it was a day for the break as it was pan flat and far to cold to suck a wheel all day. They dropped the flag and frig me…… people on the left people on the right people down the centre. I started thinking is this a 180km Criterium. I was determined to make the move and move after move I followed hanging on for daylight after about 25minutes of sitting on the tip of the saddle I looked back the elastic snapped a move of 20 riders went clear and I was there. Initially I started planning different situations in my head of how the race would go. This wasn’t in my thoughts for long as the breakaway still wanted to attack each other as a lot of riders had made the split so we spent the first hour an a half quite frankly kicking the shit out of each other. I was loving it was like a club spin who can ride half a wheel in front of who, but only this time I was on the other side of the stick feeling the burn.

The race proceeded after settling down and most riders wanting to do their part after 130km I thought it was day over for me as following the time board all day just seemed like the bunch was just going to reel us in! I was badly mistaken the stronger teams had ripped the bunch in tatters and a group of 40 riders had been chasing us all day, my thoughts exactly “Holy shit”. The groups merged and back into criterium mode the race went attack on the right attack on the left. Ali Ali Ali!! After 10km a group finally clipped off and me still learning who to follow I could sense the group switching of as the teams were represented so I goes my final bullet lets fire it. I come from the back of the group to go across to the group and get within 50Metres of the tail and lights out. As you can tell I was disappointed however I had raced my heart out all day in the break and to try go with all the moves after 145Km isn’t as easy as it sounds, infact it doesn’t even sound easy! We got to the finishing circuit and I was feeling disappointed about missing the move but I have to take the positives from it ok I missed the final but I can’t say I didn’t try. I rolled home in 27th in the group the 1st man was 18th so not a bad start I am happy morale is good and condition is good, but I am still super hungry to get the ball rolling and I did just that the following day. Here’s a picture of my happy face smiling for the picture’s ohh no not this picture all you can see is a face of hurt!


Mother’s day took me to an all category race St Saulges nothing on level like the day before just exactly like a race in Ireland 70 riders or there abouts. One word to describe this race “madness” from the flag dropped attack after attack it was 6.5km circuit with a lot of laps. This race was very strange to me before I knew it after 4 laps I was in the last group on the road, after following every move from the start I started to hesitate a bit and that’s when moves started sticking. One simple lose of concentration and before you know it your chasing the race this was a key learning point for me concentration you can’t relax for 30 seconds or your out. I was lucky this time that I had good legs to get back into the group but a minute or 2 later I could have been out the back, I managed to go across to the main group solo and from then on in it was just a waring down process with the main group only consisting of about 20 riders. I started to keep my powder dry minding myself and with 3 laps to go a good team made a move with 2 riders and another individual went clear. I sensed this was the winner as everyone in the group was spent after such an aggressive race so I went for it and went hard only taking with me one team mate of the team with 2 riders in the front. Obviously I wasn’t going to get much assistance from him on the way over to the break but the sneaky balax jumped me about 50Metres from the tail end of the group. A very good move which caught me of guard he made it to the break and went straight to the front driving it on. It was a battle of strength and thankfully we hit the headwind section and he died of a bit with me just making the tail end of the group.

This effort had took a lot out of me but I was in the front for the first time this year and determined to produce the winner. On the last lap it was 3 against 2 individuals we were fighting a losing battle as they played their team card perfect and collected a 1st, 2nd and 3rd. With me and other poor chap coming home with legs in pieces after we got our legs tore of trying to follow their attacks. I rolled across the line 5th which I am very happy with on reflection, I am still learning and I seem to be learning quickly ok at the minute I’m riding on brute force and ignorance because I am unsure of the right moves to follow but I can definitely say I am committing every time I put that number on my back and that’s what you need to get better.


I will continue working hard, I am happy with my condition for the beginning of the season considering I am not busting myself just yet and still have a lot to give for this season. I am excited to keep sharing my opinions and experiences with you all and if there is anything you’d like me to talk a bit more in my next blog, e.g whats in my pockets for a race, my pre race meal let me know.

Stand by for my next blog,

Bonsoir (Goodnight)


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